Get started with Enda-Travel sample agency
Take a tour of AirBooks core modules, reports and settings. Explore various operations scenarios with sample provided data and get a feel for working with AirBooks.
Take a tour of AirBooks core modules, reports and settings. Explore various operations scenarios with sample provided data and get a feel for working with AirBooks.
Ready for a personalized experience, register your agency with AirBooks and get full access for your plan period.
Sign up for AirBooks as IATA or Non-IATA travel agency, and instantly import GDS electronic tickets receipts.
AirBooks imports electronic ticket receipts from all GDSs. Current compatibility is for receipts in English. E-tickets must be sent as separate emails for each passenger.
E-tickets email forwarding is a backup solution meant to accommodate the agency for a quick start. The IATA-agency will have to contact GDSs for Interface Records setup.