Introduction to AirBooks
Every Tuesday, 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM UTC+1
You will learn how to
Navigate AirBooks Core, Reports and Settings, and get familiar with the product’s Mid and Back-office workflow
Integrate with GDSs to Capture Etickets from 1A, Travelport, Sabre emails and accounting records
Brand, Print and Email Flight, Hotel, Car and Miscellaneous multi-GDS Travel Documents from a single repository
Create and Associate Traveler Profile to sales, refunds and adjustments; Track Traveler events
Setup local taxes and service fees rules; Create and Send Invoice manually or automated from PNR
Track overdue Invoices, record Customers Cash Payments or use available Credits against pending Invoices
Create supplier profiles; Record and Reconcile Supplier Bills based on various reconciliation formats
Record manual journals and track system generated journals; Record and track operating Expenses
Create Customer profile or import from XLS; Keep track of receivables and recent activities on accounts
Browse Sales, Receivables, Payables, Expenses, Taxes, Banking, Accountant, Financial, Events and Activity reports