Transfer to an Asset, Cash, Bank or Equity account
Transfer From Account is a deposit transfer.
Transfer |
Transfer Type: - Sale Without Invoice - Interest Income - Other Income - Expense Refund - Owner's Contribution - Other Transfer |
Date |
Payment Date |
Amount |
Payment Amount |
Currency -Exchange Rate |
Most current Exchange Rate. User can save the Payment with a different Rate |
From Account |
Transfer origin which can be an Asset, Cash, Bank or Equity account |
Deposit To |
Cash or bank account in which money will be deposited to |
Payment Mode |
Cash, Check, Bank Transfer. |
Reference# |
Any useful reference related to this payment. |
Description |
User notes describing the Payment or an action item to be remembered |
Transfer To Account is a withdrawal transfer.
Transfer |
Transfer Type: - Sales Return - Owner's Drawings - Other Transfer |
Date |
Payment Date |
Amount |
Payment Amount |
Currency -Exchange Rate |
Most current Exchange Rate. User can save the Payment with a different Rate |
From Account |
Transfer origin which can be an Asset, Cash, Bank or Equity account |
Paid Through |
Cash or bank account in which money will be withdrawn from |
Payment Mode |
Cash, Check, Bank Transfer. |
Reference# |
Any useful reference related to this payment. |
Description |
User notes describing the Payment or an action item to be remembered |
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