Customer Payment Form

Full page screen made up of a Header, the Travel Items table and a Footer.

Payment Header

Select Customer, set Payment Amount, update Currency Rate, define Payment Mode and Account, and keep track of Payment Balance.


Select the Customer making the payment or to whom payment is made


The Payment# follows a simple sequence starting from 1 and cannot be edited

Payment Date

Payment Date in AirBooks records.


Payment Amount

Exchange Rate

Most current Exchange Rate. User can save the Payment with a different Rate

Payment Mode

Cash, Check, Bank Transfer.

Deposit To

Cash or bank account in which money will be deposited to


Any useful reference related to this payment.

Visual identifiers

Customer this Payment

Primary Contact email


Payment Number

Payment Date

Unpaid Invoices

Unpaid Invoices or Invoices previously settled by the same Payment.


Invoice Issuing Date


Invoice Number


Purchase Order Number


Invoice Amount


Invoice Current Balance

Applied Payment

Invoice settlements

Payment Footer

User notes can be recorded as a custom description of the Payment or as a reminder.

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